Jens True 9c953a2294
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2020-02-29 19:56:51 +01:00

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# Accomplishments widget.
widget = "accomplishments" # See https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/
headless = true # This file represents a page section.
active = true # Activate this widget? true/false
weight = 50 # Order that this section will appear.
title = "Sailing"
subtitle = "Crew experience"
# Date format
# Refer to https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/customization/#date-format
date_format = "2006"
# Accomplishments.
# Add/remove as many `[[item]]` blocks below as you like.
# `title`, `organization` and `date_start` are the required parameters.
# Leave other parameters empty if not required.
# Begin/end multi-line descriptions with 3 quotes `"""`.
organization = "Local regattas"
title = "Evening races and distance races"
date_start = "2007-05-01"
date_end = ""
description = """Crewing on different boats for evening races, primarily as bowman/trimmer
- Albin Nova 33
- X-35
- X-99
- Dynamic 35"""
organization = "Struer Sejlklub"
organization_url = "https://struersejlklub.dk/"
title = "Danish Sailing Leauge"
url = "http://sejlsportsligaen.dk/"
date_start = "2015-05-01"
date_end = "2017-10-01"
description = """Training for the danish national sailing league and particpating as bowman for my sailing club.
- J/80 (practice)
- J/70 (racing)"""
title = "Dinghy sailing"
date_start = "1998-05-01"
date_end = "2008-10-01"
description = """Dinghy sailing from childhood.
- Optimist
- Europe Class"""