2018-11-29 08:18:56 +01:00

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// FPGA VGA Graphics Part 1: Top Module (static squares)
// (C)2017-2018 Will Green - Licensed under the MIT License
// Heavily modified by Jens True
// Learn more at
`default_nettype none
module vgasquare(
input wire PIXEL_CLK, // Pixel clock: 25Mhz (or 25.125MHz) for VGA
input wire RESET, // Reset signal
input wire [9:0] box_x1,
input wire [9:0] box_x2,
input wire [8:0] box_y1,
input wire [8:0] box_y2,
input wire [5:0] box_color, //1 bit for each color Foreground and background
output wire VGA_HS, // horizontal sync output
output wire VGA_VS, // vertical sync output
output wire VGA_R, // 1-bit VGA red output
output wire VGA_G, // 1-bit VGA green output
output wire VGA_B // 1-bit VGA blue output
wire [9:0] x; // current pixel x position: 10-bit value: 0-1023
wire [8:0] y; // current pixel y position: 9-bit value: 0-511
wire VGA_ACTIVE; // Internal signal, color signals need to be low when not actively drawing.
vga640x480 display (
// Draw one square
wire square = ((x >= box_x1) & (y >= box_y1) & (x <= box_x2) & (y <= box_y2)) ? 1 : 0; //Is box within range?
wire R = square ? box_color[0] : box_color[3];
wire G = square ? box_color[1] : box_color[4];
wire B = square ? box_color[2] : box_color[5];
assign VGA_R = VGA_ACTIVE ? R : 0; // Set R (Foreground and then background)
assign VGA_G = VGA_ACTIVE ? G : 0; // Set G
assign VGA_B = VGA_ACTIVE ? B : 0; // Set B