First TwoPlayerTrueSkillCalculator unit test passed

This commit is contained in:
Jeff Moser
2010-08-28 22:05:41 -04:00
commit 12a02b8403
41 changed files with 1909 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Rating.php');
use Moserware\Skills\Rating;
* An Elo rating represented by a single number (mean).
class EloRating extends Rating
public function __construct($rating)
parent::__construct($rating, 0);

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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/TwoPlayerEloCalculator.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/FideKFactor.php");
/** Including ELO's scheme as a simple comparison.
* See
* for more details
class FideEloCalculator extends TwoPlayerEloCalculator
public function __construct(FideKFactor $kFactor)
public static function createWithDefaultKFactor()
return new FideEloCalculator(new FideKFactor());
public static function createWithProvisionalKFactor()
return new FideEloCalculator(new ProvisionalFideKFactor());
public function getPlayerWinProbability($gameInfo, $playerRating, $opponentRating)
$ratingDifference = $opponentRating - $playerRating;
return 1.0
1.0 + pow(10.0, $ratingDifference / (2 * $gameInfo->getBeta()))

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/KFactor.php");
// see for details
class FideKFactor extends KFactor
public function getValueForRating($rating)
if ($rating < 2400)
return 15;
return 10;
* Indicates someone who has played less than 30 games.
class ProvisionalFideKFactor extends FideKFactor
public function getValueForRating($rating)
return 25;

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
class GaussianEloCalculator extends TwoPlayerEloCalculator
// From the paper
const STABLE_KFACTOR = 24;
public function __construct()
parent::__construct(new KFactor(self::STABLE_KFACTOR));
public function getPlayerWinProbability(GameInfo $gameInfo, $playerRating, $opponentRating)
$ratingDifference = $playerRating - $opponentRating;
// See equation 1.1 in the TrueSkill paper
return GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo(
(sqrt(2) * $gameInfo->getBeta()));

PHPSkills/Elo/KFactor.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
class KFactor
private $_value;
public function __construct($exactKFactor = self::DEFAULT_KFACTOR)
$this->_value = $exactKFactor;
public function getValueForRating($rating)
return $this->_value;

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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills\Elo;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../PairwiseComparison.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../RankSorter.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../SkillCalculator.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../PlayersRange.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../TeamsRange.php");
use Moserware\Skills\PairwiseComparison;
use Moserware\Skills\RankSorter;
use Moserware\Skills\SkillCalculator;
use Moserware\Skills\SkillCalculatorSupportedOptions;
use Moserware\Skills\PlayersRange;
use Moserware\Skills\TeamsRange;
abstract class TwoPlayerEloCalculator extends SkillCalculator
protected $_kFactor;
protected function __construct(KFactor $kFactor)
parent::__construct(SkillCalculatorSupportedOptions::NONE, TeamsRange::exactly(2), PlayersRange::exactly(1));
$this->_kFactor = $kFactor;
public function calculateNewRatings($gameInfo,
array $teamsOfPlayerToRatings,
array $teamRanks)
RankSorter::sort($teamsOfPlayerToRatings, $teamRanks);
$result = array();
$isDraw = ($teamRanks[0] === $teamRanks[1]);
$team1 = $teamsOfPlayerToRatings[0];
$team2 = $teamsOfPlayerToRatings[1];
$player1 = each($team1);
$player2 = each($team2);
$player1Rating = $player1["value"]->getMean();
$player2Rating = $player2["value"]->getMean();
$result[$player1["key"]] = $this->calculateNewRating($gameInfo, $player1Rating, $player2Rating, $isDraw ? PairwiseComparison::DRAW : PairwiseComparison::WIN);
$result[$player2["key"]] = $this->calculateNewRating($gameInfo, $player2Rating, $player1Rating, $isDraw ? PairwiseComparison::DRAW : PairwiseComparison::LOSE);
return $result;
protected function calculateNewRating($gameInfo, $selfRating, $opponentRating, $selfToOpponentComparison)
$expectedProbability = $this->getPlayerWinProbability($gameInfo, $selfRating, $opponentRating);
$actualProbability = $this->getScoreFromComparison($selfToOpponentComparison);
$k = $this->_kFactor->getValueForRating($selfRating);
$ratingChange = $k * ($actualProbability - $expectedProbability);
$newRating = $selfRating + $ratingChange;
return new EloRating($newRating);
private static function getScoreFromComparison($comparison)
switch ($comparison)
case PairwiseComparison::WIN:
return 1;
case PairwiseComparison::DRAW:
return 0.5;
case PairwiseComparison::LOSE:
return 0;
throw new Exception("Unexpected comparison");
public abstract function getPlayerWinProbability($gameInfo, $playerRating, $opponentRating);
public function calculateMatchQuality($gameInfo, array $teamsOfPlayerToRatings)
$team1 = $teamsOfPlayerToRatings[0];
$team2 = $teamsOfPlayerToRatings[1];
$player1 = $team1[0];
$player2 = $team2[0];
$player1Rating = $player1[1]->getMean();
$player2Rating = $player2[1]->getMean();
$ratingDifference = $player1Rating - $player2Rating;
// The TrueSkill paper mentions that they used s1 - s2 (rating difference) to
// determine match quality. I convert that to a percentage as a delta from 50%
// using the cumulative density function of the specific curve being used
$deltaFrom50Percent = abs(getPlayerWinProbability($gameInfo, $player1Rating, $player2Rating) - 0.5);
return (0.5 - $deltaFrom50Percent) / 0.5;

PHPSkills/GameInfo.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Rating.php");
* Parameters about the game for calculating the TrueSkill.
class GameInfo
const DEFAULT_BETA = 4.1666666666666666666666666666667; // Default initial mean / 6
const DEFAULT_DYNAMICS_FACTOR = 0.083333333333333333333333333333333; // Default initial mean / 300
const DEFAULT_INITIAL_STANDARD_DEVIATION = 8.3333333333333333333333333333333; // Default initial mean / 3
private $_initialMean;
private $_initialStandardDeviation;
private $_beta;
private $_dynamicsFactor;
private $_drawProbability;
public function __construct($initialMean = self::DEFAULT_INITIAL_MEAN,
$initialStandardDeviation = self::DEFAULT_INITIAL_STANDARD_DEVIATION,
$beta = self::DEFAULT_BETA,
$dynamicsFactor = self::DEFAULT_DYNAMICS_FACTOR,
$drawProbability = self::DEFAULT_DRAW_PROBABILITY)
$this->_initialMean = $initialMean;
$this->_initialStandardDeviation = $initialStandardDeviation;
$this->_beta = $beta;
$this->_dynamicsFactor = $dynamicsFactor;
$this->_drawProbability = $drawProbability;
public function getInitialMean()
return $this->_initialMean;
public function getInitialStandardDeviation()
return $this->_initialStandardDeviation;
public function getBeta()
return $this->_beta;
public function getDynamicsFactor()
return $this->_dynamicsFactor;
public function getDrawProbability()
return $this->_drawProbability;
public function getDefaultRating()
return new Rating($this->_initialMean, $this->_initialStandardDeviation);

PHPSkills/Guard.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
/// <summary>
/// Verifies argument contracts.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>These are used until .NET 4.0 ships with Contracts. For more information,
/// see</remarks>
class Guard
public static function argumentNotNull($value, $parameterName)
if ($value == null)
throw new Exception($parameterName . " can not be null");
public static function argumentIsValidIndex($index, $count, $parameterName)
if (($index < 0) || ($index >= $count))
throw new Exception($parameterName . " is an invalid index");
public static function argumentInRangeInclusive($value, $min, $max, $parameterName)
if (($value < $min) || ($value > $max))
throw new Exception($parameterName . " is not in the valid range [" . $min . ", " . $max . "]");

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
* Indicates support for allowing partial play (where a player only plays a part of the time).
interface ISupportPartialPlay
* Indicates the percent of the time the player should be weighted where 0.0 indicates the player didn't play and 1.0 indicates the player played 100% of the time.
public function getPartialPlayPercentage();

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@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
interface ISupportPartialUpdate
* Indicated how much of a skill update a player should receive where 0.0 represents no update and 1.0 represents 100% of the update.
public function getPartialUpdatePercentage();

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Basic math functions.
* PHP version 5
* @category Math
* @package PHPSkills
* @author Jeff Moser <>
* @copyright 2010 Jeff Moser
function square($x)
return $x * $x;

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@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
* Computes Gaussian values.
* PHP version 5
* @category Math
* @package PHPSkills
* @author Jeff Moser <>
* @copyright 2010 Jeff Moser
namespace Moserware\Numerics;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/basicmath.php");
class GaussianDistribution
private $_mean;
private $_standardDeviation;
// Precision and PrecisionMean are used because they make multiplying and dividing simpler
// (the the accompanying math paper for more details)
private $_precision;
private $_precisionMean;
private $_variance;
function __construct($mean = 0.0, $standardDeviation = 1.0)
$this->_mean = $mean;
$this->_standardDeviation = $standardDeviation;
$this->_variance = square($standardDeviation);
$this->_precision = 1.0/$this->_variance;
$this->_precisionMean = $this->_precision*$this->_mean;
public function getMean()
return $this->_mean;
public function getVariance()
return $this->_variance;
public function getStandardDeviation()
return $this->_standardDeviation;
public function getNormalizationConstant()
// Great derivation of this is at
return 1.0/(sqrt(2*M_PI)*$this->_standardDeviation);
public function __clone()
$result = new GaussianDistribution();
$result->_mean = $this->_mean;
$result->_standardDeviation = $this->_standardDeviation;
$result->_variance = $this->_variance;
$result->_precision = $this->_precision;
$result->_precisionMean = $this->_precisionMean;
return $result;
public static function fromPrecisionMean($precisionMean, $precision)
$result = new GaussianDistribution();
$result->_precision = $precision;
$result->_precisionMean = $precisionMean;
$result->_variance = 1.0/$precision;
$result->_standardDeviation = sqrt($result->_variance);
$result->_mean = $result->_precisionMean/$result->_precision;
return $result;
// For details, see
// for multiplication, the precision mean ones are easier to write :)
public static function multiply(GaussianDistribution $left, GaussianDistribution $right)
return GaussianDistribution::fromPrecisionMean($left->_precisionMean + $right->_precisionMean, $left->_precision + $right->_precision);
// Computes the absolute difference between two Gaussians
public static function absoluteDifference(GaussianDistribution $left, GaussianDistribution $right)
return max(
abs($left->_precisionMean - $right->_precisionMean),
sqrt(abs($left->_precision - $right->_precision)));
// Computes the absolute difference between two Gaussians
public static function subtract(GaussianDistribution $left, GaussianDistribution $right)
return absoluteDifference($left, $right);
public static function logProductNormalization(GaussianDistribution $left, GaussianDistribution $right)
if (($left->_precision == 0) || ($right->_precision == 0))
return 0;
$varianceSum = $left->_variance + $right->_variance;
$meanDifference = $left->_mean - $right->_mean;
$logSqrt2Pi = log(sqrt(2*M_PI));
return -$logSqrt2Pi - (log($varianceSum)/2.0) - (square($meanDifference)/(2.0*$varianceSum));
public static function divide(GaussianDistribution $numerator, GaussianDistribution $denominator)
return GaussianDistribution::fromPrecisionMean($numerator->_precisionMean - $denominator->_precisionMean,
$numerator->_precision - $denominator->_precision);
public static function logRatioNormalization(GaussianDistribution $numerator, GaussianDistribution $denominator)
if (($numerator->_precision == 0) || ($denominator->_precision == 0))
return 0;
$varianceDifference = $denominator->_variance - $numerator->_variance;
$meanDifference = $numerator->_mean - $denominator->_mean;
$logSqrt2Pi = log(sqrt(2*M_PI));
return log($denominator->_variance) + $logSqrt2Pi - log($varianceDifference)/2.0 +
public static function at($x, $mean = 0.0, $standardDeviation = 1.0)
// See
// 1 -(x-mean)^2 / (2*stdDev^2)
// P(x) = ------------------- * e
// stdDev * sqrt(2*pi)
$multiplier = 1.0/($standardDeviation*sqrt(2*M_PI));
$expPart = exp((-1.0*square($x - $mean))/(2*square($standardDeviation)));
$result = $multiplier*$expPart;
return $result;
public static function cumulativeTo($x, $mean = 0.0, $standardDeviation = 1.0)
$invsqrt2 = -0.707106781186547524400844362104;
$result = GaussianDistribution::errorFunctionCumulativeTo($invsqrt2*$x);
return 0.5*$result;
private static function errorFunctionCumulativeTo($x)
// Derived from page 265 of Numerical Recipes 3rd Edition
$z = abs($x);
$t = 2.0/(2.0 + $z);
$ty = 4*$t - 2;
$coefficients = array(
-2.8e-17 );
$ncof = count($coefficients);
$d = 0.0;
$dd = 0.0;
for ($j = $ncof - 1; $j > 0; $j--)
$tmp = $d;
$d = $ty*$d - $dd + $coefficients[$j];
$dd = $tmp;
$ans = $t*exp(-$z*$z + 0.5*($coefficients[0] + $ty*$d) - $dd);
return ($x >= 0.0) ? $ans : (2.0 - $ans);
private static function inverseErrorFunctionCumulativeTo($p)
// From page 265 of numerical recipes
if ($p >= 2.0)
return -100;
if ($p <= 0.0)
return 100;
$pp = ($p < 1.0) ? $p : 2 - $p;
$t = sqrt(-2*log($pp/2.0)); // Initial guess
$x = -0.70711*((2.30753 + $t*0.27061)/(1.0 + $t*(0.99229 + $t*0.04481)) - $t);
for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++)
$err = GaussianDistribution::errorFunctionCumulativeTo($x) - $pp;
$x += $err/(1.12837916709551257*exp(-square($x)) - $x*$err); // Halley
return ($p < 1.0) ? $x : -$x;
public static function inverseCumulativeTo($x, $mean = 0.0, $standardDeviation = 1.0)
// From numerical recipes, page 320
return $mean - sqrt(2)*$standardDeviation*GaussianDistribution::inverseErrorFunctionCumulativeTo(2*$x);
public function __toString()
return 'mean=' . $this->_mean . ' standardDeviation=' . $this->_standardDeviation;

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
namespace Moserware\Numerics;
// The whole purpose of this class is to make the code for the SkillCalculator(s)
// look a little cleaner
class Range
private $_min;
private $_max;
public function __construct($min, $max)
if ($min > $max)
throw new Exception("min > max");
$this->_min = $min;
$this->_max = $max;
public function getMin()
return $this->_min;
public function getMax()
return $this->_max;
protected static function create($min, $max)
return new Range($min, $max);
// REVIEW: It's probably bad form to have access statics via a derived class, but the syntax looks better :-)
public static function inclusive($min, $max)
return static::create($min, $max);
public static function exactly($value)
return static::create($value, $value);
public static function atLeast($minimumValue)
return static::create($minimumValue, PHP_INT_MAX );
public function isInRange($value)
return ($this->_min <= $value) && ($value <= $this->_max);

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
* Represents a comparison between two players.
* @internal The actual values for the enum were chosen so that the also correspond to the multiplier for updates to means.
class PairwiseComparison
const WIN = 1;
const DRAW = 0;
const LOSE = -1;
public static function getRankFromComparison($comparison)
switch ($comparison) {
case PairwiseComparison::WIN:
return array(1,2);
case PairwiseComparison::LOSE:
return array(2,1);
return array(1,1);

PHPSkills/Player.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Guard.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/ISupportPartialPlay.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/ISupportPartialUpdate.php");
/// <summary>
/// Represents a player who has a <see cref="Rating"/>.
/// </summary>
class Player implements ISupportPartialPlay, ISupportPartialUpdate
const DEFAULT_PARTIAL_PLAY_PERCENTAGE = 1.0; // = 100% play time
const DEFAULT_PARTIAL_UPDATE_PERCENTAGE = 1.0; // = receive 100% update
private $_Id;
private $_PartialPlayPercentage;
private $_PartialUpdatePercentage;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a player.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">The identifier for the player, such as a name.</param>
/// <param name="partialPlayPercentage">The weight percentage to give this player when calculating a new rank.</param>
/// <param name="partialUpdatePercentage">/// Indicated how much of a skill update a player should receive where 0 represents no update and 1.0 represents 100% of the update.</param>
public function __construct($id,
$partialPlayPercentage = self::DEFAULT_PARTIAL_PLAY_PERCENTAGE,
$partialUpdatePercentage = self::DEFAULT_PARTIAL_UPDATE_PERCENTAGE)
// If they don't want to give a player an id, that's ok...
Guard::argumentInRangeInclusive($partialPlayPercentage, 0.0, 1.0, "partialPlayPercentage");
Guard::argumentInRangeInclusive($partialUpdatePercentage, 0, 1.0, "partialUpdatePercentage");
$this->_Id = $id;
$this->_PartialPlayPercentage = $partialPlayPercentage;
$this->_PartialUpdatePercentage = $partialUpdatePercentage;
/// <summary>
/// The identifier for the player, such as a name.
/// </summary>
public function getId()
return $this->_Id;
#region ISupportPartialPlay Members
/// <summary>
/// Indicates the percent of the time the player should be weighted where 0.0 indicates the player didn't play and 1.0 indicates the player played 100% of the time.
/// </summary>
public function getPartialPlayPercentage()
return $this->_PartialPlayPercentage;
#region ISupportPartialUpdate Members
/// <summary>
/// Indicated how much of a skill update a player should receive where 0.0 represents no update and 1.0 represents 100% of the update.
/// </summary>
public function getPartialUpdatePercentage()
return $this->_PartialUpdatePercentage;
public function __toString()
if ($this->_Id != null)
return $this->_Id;
return parent::__toString();

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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Numerics/Range.php");
use Moserware\Numerics\Range;
class PlayersRange extends Range
public function __construct($min, $max)
parent::__construct($min, $max);
protected static function create($min, $max)
return new PlayersRange($min, $max);

PHPSkills/RankSorter.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
/// <summary>
/// Helper class to sort ranks in non-decreasing order.
/// </summary>
class RankSorter
/// <summary>
/// Performs an in-place sort of the <paramref name="items"/> in according to the <paramref name="ranks"/> in non-decreasing order.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="T">The types of items to sort.</typeparam>
/// <param name="items">The items to sort according to the order specified by <paramref name="ranks"/>.</param>
/// <param name="ranks">The ranks for each item where 1 is first place.</param>
public static function sort(array &$teams, array &$teamRanks)
array_multisort($teamRanks, $teams);
return $teams;

PHPSkills/Rating.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
// Container for a player's rating.
class Rating
private $_conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier;
private $_mean;
private $_standardDeviation;
* Constructs a rating.
* @param double $mean The statistical mean value of the rating (also known as mu).
* @param double $standardDeviation The standard deviation of the rating (also known as s).
* @param double $conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier optional The number of standardDeviations to subtract from the mean to achieve a conservative rating.
public function __construct($mean, $standardDeviation, $conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier = self::CONSERVATIVE_STANDARD_DEVIATION_MULTIPLIER)
$this->_mean = $mean;
$this->_standardDeviation = $standardDeviation;
$this->_conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier = $conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier;
* The statistical mean value of the rating (also known as <20>).
public function getMean()
return $this->_mean;
* The standard deviation (the spread) of the rating. This is also known as s.
public function getStandardDeviation()
return $this->_standardDeviation;
* A conservative estimate of skill based on the mean and standard deviation.
public function getConservativeRating()
return $this->_mean - $this->_conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier*$this->_standardDeviation;
public function getPartialUpdate(Rating $prior, Rating $fullPosterior, $updatePercentage)
$priorGaussian = new GaussianDistribution($prior->getMean(), $prior->getStandardDeviation());
$posteriorGaussian = new GaussianDistribution($fullPosterior->getMean(), $fullPosterior.getStandardDeviation());
// From a clarification email from Ralf Herbrich:
// "the idea is to compute a linear interpolation between the prior and posterior skills of each player
// ... in the canonical space of parameters"
$precisionDifference = $posteriorGaussian->getPrecision() - $priorGaussian->getPrecision();
$partialPrecisionDifference = $updatePercentage*$precisionDifference;
$precisionMeanDifference = $posteriorGaussian->getPrecisionMean() - $priorGaussian.getPrecisionMean();
$partialPrecisionMeanDifference = $updatePercentage*$precisionMeanDifference;
$partialPosteriorGaussion = GaussianDistribution::fromPrecisionMean(
$priorGaussian->getPrecisionMean() + $partialPrecisionMeanDifference,
$priorGaussian->getPrecision() + $partialPrecisionDifference);
return new Rating($partialPosteriorGaussion->getMean(), $partialPosteriorGaussion->getStandardDeviation(), $prior->_conservativeStandardDeviationMultiplier);
public function __toString()
return 'mean=' . $this->_mean . ' standardDeviation=' . $this->_standardDeviation;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
class RatingContainer
private $_playerHashToRating = array();
private $_playerHashToPlayer = array();
public function getRating($player)
return $this->_playerHashToRating[self::getHash($player)];
public function setRating($player, $rating)
$hash = self::getHash($player);
$this->_playerHashToPlayer[$hash] = $player;
$this->_playerHashToRating[$hash] = $rating;
return $this;
public function getAllPlayers()
return \array_values($this->_playerHashToPlayer);
public function getAllRatings()
return \array_values($this->_playerHashToRating);
public function count()
return \count($this->_playerHashToPlayer);
private static function getHash($player)
return \spl_object_hash($player);
return $player;

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
* Base class for all skill calculator implementations.
abstract class SkillCalculator
private $_supportedOptions;
private $_playersPerTeamAllowed;
private $_totalTeamsAllowed;
protected function __construct($supportedOptions, TeamsRange $totalTeamsAllowed, PlayersRange $playerPerTeamAllowed)
$this->_supportedOptions = $supportedOptions;
$this->_totalTeamsAllowed = $totalTeamsAllowed;
$this->_playersPerTeamAllowed = $playerPerTeamAllowed;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates new ratings based on the prior ratings and team ranks.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TPlayer">The underlying type of the player.</typeparam>
/// <param name="gameInfo">Parameters for the game.</param>
/// <param name="teams">A mapping of team players and their ratings.</param>
/// <param name="teamRanks">The ranks of the teams where 1 is first place. For a tie, repeat the number (e.g. 1, 2, 2)</param>
/// <returns>All the players and their new ratings.</returns>
public abstract function calculateNewRatings($gameInfo,
array $teamsOfPlayerToRatings,
array $teamRanks);
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the match quality as the likelihood of all teams drawing.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TPlayer">The underlying type of the player.</typeparam>
/// <param name="gameInfo">Parameters for the game.</param>
/// <param name="teams">A mapping of team players and their ratings.</param>
/// <returns>The quality of the match between the teams as a percentage (0% = bad, 100% = well matched).</returns>
public abstract function calculateMatchQuality($gameInfo,
array $teamsOfPlayerToRatings);
public function isSupported($option)
return ($this->_supportedOptions & $option) == $option;
protected function validateTeamCountAndPlayersCountPerTeam(array $teamsOfPlayerToRatings)
self::validateTeamCountAndPlayersCountPerTeamWithRanges($teamsOfPlayerToRatings, $this->_totalTeamsAllowed, $this->_playersPerTeamAllowed);
private static function validateTeamCountAndPlayersCountPerTeamWithRanges(
array $teams,
TeamsRange $totalTeams,
PlayersRange $playersPerTeam)
$countOfTeams = 0;
foreach ($teams as $currentTeam)
if (!$playersPerTeam->isInRange($currentTeam->count()))
throw new Exception("Player count is not in range");
if (!$totalTeams->isInRange($countOfTeams))
throw new Exception("Team range is not in range");
class SkillCalculatorSupportedOptions
const NONE = 0x00;
const PARTIAL_PLAY = 0x01;
const PARTIAL_UPDATE = 0x02;

PHPSkills/Team.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/RatingContainer.php');
class Team extends RatingContainer
public function __construct($player = null, $rating = null)
$this->addPlayer($player, $rating);
public function addPlayer($player, $rating)
$this->setRating($player, $rating);
return $this;

PHPSkills/Teams.php Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
namespace Moserware\Skills;
class Teams
public static function concat(/*variable arguments*/)
$args = \func_get_args();
$result = array();
foreach ($args as $currentTeam) {
$result[] = $currentTeam;
return $result;

PHPSkills/TeamsRange.php Normal file
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namespace Moserware\Skills;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/Numerics/Range.php");
use Moserware\Numerics\Range;
class TeamsRange extends Range
public function __construct($min, $max)
parent::__construct($min, $max);
protected static function create($min, $max)
return new TeamsRange($min, $max);

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namespace Moserware\Skills\TrueSkill;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Numerics/GaussianDistribution.php");
use Moserware\Numerics\GaussianDistribution;
final class DrawMargin
public static function getDrawMarginFromDrawProbability($drawProbability, $beta)
// Derived from TrueSkill technical report (MSR-TR-2006-80), page 6
// draw probability = 2 * CDF(margin/(sqrt(n1+n2)*beta)) -1
// implies
// margin = inversecdf((draw probability + 1)/2) * sqrt(n1+n2) * beta
// n1 and n2 are the number of players on each team
$margin = GaussianDistribution::inverseCumulativeTo(.5*($drawProbability + 1), 0, 1)*sqrt(1 + 1)*
return $margin;

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namespace Moserware\Skills\TrueSkill;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Numerics/GaussianDistribution.php');
use Moserware\Numerics\GaussianDistribution;
class TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions
// These functions from the bottom of page 4 of the TrueSkill paper.
/// <summary>
/// The "V" function where the team performance difference is greater than the draw margin.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>In the reference F# implementation, this is referred to as "the additive
/// correction of a single-sided truncated Gaussian with unit variance."</remarks>
/// <param name="teamPerformanceDifference"></param>
/// <param name="drawMargin">In the paper, it's referred to as just "ε".</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static function vExceedsMarginScaled($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin, $c)
return self::vExceedsMargin($teamPerformanceDifference/$c, $drawMargin/$c);
public static function vExceedsMargin($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin)
$denominator = GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo($teamPerformanceDifference - $drawMargin);
if ($denominator < 2.222758749e-162)
return -$teamPerformanceDifference + $drawMargin;
return GaussianDistribution::at($teamPerformanceDifference - $drawMargin)/$denominator;
/// <summary>
/// The "W" function where the team performance difference is greater than the draw margin.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>In the reference F# implementation, this is referred to as "the multiplicative
/// correction of a single-sided truncated Gaussian with unit variance."</remarks>
/// <param name="teamPerformanceDifference"></param>
/// <param name="drawMargin"></param>
/// <param name="c"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static function wExceedsMarginScaled($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin, $c)
return self::wExceedsMargin($teamPerformanceDifference/$c, $drawMargin/$c);
public static function wExceedsMargin($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin)
$denominator = GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo($teamPerformanceDifference - $drawMargin);
if ($denominator < 2.222758749e-162)
if ($teamPerformanceDifference < 0.0)
return 1.0;
return 0.0;
$vWin = self::vExceedsMargin($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin);
return $vWin*($vWin + $teamPerformanceDifference - $drawMargin);
// the additive correction of a double-sided truncated Gaussian with unit variance
public static function vWithinMarginScaled($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin, $c)
return self::vWithinMargin($teamPerformanceDifference/$c, $drawMargin/$c);
// from F#:
public static function vWithinMargin($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin)
$teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue = abs($teamPerformanceDifference);
$denominator =
GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo($drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue) -
GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo(-$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue);
if ($denominator < 2.222758749e-162)
if ($teamPerformanceDifference < 0.0)
return -$teamPerformanceDifference - $drawMargin;
return -$teamPerformanceDifference + $drawMargin;
$numerator = GaussianDistribution::at(-$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue) -
GaussianDistribution::at($drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue);
if ($teamPerformanceDifference < 0.0)
return -$numerator/$denominator;
return $numerator/$denominator;
// the multiplicative correction of a double-sided truncated Gaussian with unit variance
public static function wWithinMarginScaled($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin, $c)
return self::wWithinMargin(teamPerformanceDifference/c, drawMargin/c);
// From F#:
public static function wWithinMargin($teamPerformanceDifference, $drawMargin)
$teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue = abs($teamPerformanceDifference);
$denominator = GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo($drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue)
GaussianDistribution::cumulativeTo(-$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue);
if ($denominator < 2.222758749e-162)
return 1.0;
$vt = vWithinMargin($teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue, $drawMargin);
return $vt*$vt +
($drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue)
$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue)
- (-$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue)
GaussianDistribution::at(-$drawMargin - $teamPerformanceDifferenceAbsoluteValue))/$denominator;

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namespace Moserware\Skills\TrueSkill;
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../PairwiseComparison.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../RankSorter.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Rating.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../RatingContainer.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../SkillCalculator.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../PlayersRange.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../TeamsRange.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Numerics/BasicMath.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/DrawMargin.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions.php");
use Moserware\Skills\PairwiseComparison;
use Moserware\Skills\RankSorter;
use Moserware\Skills\Rating;
use Moserware\Skills\RatingContainer;
use Moserware\Skills\SkillCalculator;
use Moserware\Skills\SkillCalculatorSupportedOptions;
use Moserware\Skills\PlayersRange;
use Moserware\Skills\TeamsRange;
/// <summary>
/// Calculates the new ratings for only two players.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// When you only have two players, a lot of the math simplifies. The main purpose of this class
/// is to show the bare minimum of what a TrueSkill implementation should have.
/// </remarks>
class TwoPlayerTrueSkillCalculator extends SkillCalculator
public function __construct()
parent::__construct(SkillCalculatorSupportedOptions::NONE, TeamsRange::exactly(2), PlayersRange::exactly(1));
public function calculateNewRatings($gameInfo,
array $teams,
array $teamRanks)
// Basic argument checking
// Make sure things are in order
RankSorter::sort($teams, $teamRanks);
// Since we verified that each team has one player, we know the player is the first one
$winningTeamPlayers = $teams[0]->getAllPlayers();
$winner = $winningTeamPlayers[0];
$winnerPreviousRating = $teams[0]->getRating($winner);
$losingTeamPlayers = $teams[1]->getAllPlayers();
$loser = $losingTeamPlayers[0];
$loserPreviousRating = $teams[1]->getRating($loser);
$wasDraw = ($teamRanks[0] == $teamRanks[1]);
$results = new RatingContainer();
$results->setRating($winner, self::calculateNewRating($gameInfo,
$wasDraw ? PairwiseComparison::DRAW
: PairwiseComparison::WIN));
$results->setRating($loser, self::calculateNewRating($gameInfo,
$wasDraw ? PairwiseComparison::DRAW
: PairwiseComparison::LOSE));
// And we're done!
return $results;
private static function calculateNewRating($gameInfo, $selfRating, $opponentRating, $comparison)
$drawMargin = DrawMargin::getDrawMarginFromDrawProbability($gameInfo->getDrawProbability(),
$c =
$winningMean = $selfRating->getMean();
$losingMean = $opponentRating->getMean();
switch ($comparison)
case PairwiseComparison::WIN:
case PairwiseComparison::DRAW:
// NOP
case PairwiseComparison::LOSE:
$winningMean = $opponentRating->getMean();
$losingMean = $selfRating->getMean();
$meanDelta = $winningMean - $losingMean;
if ($comparison != PairwiseComparison::DRAW)
// non-draw case
$v = TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions::vExceedsMarginScaled($meanDelta, $drawMargin, $c);
$w = TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions::wExceedsMarginScaled($meanDelta, $drawMargin, $c);
$rankMultiplier = (int) $comparison;
$v = TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions::vWithinMarginScaled($meanDelta, $drawMargin, $c);
$w = TruncatedGaussianCorrectionFunctions::wWithinMarginScaled($meanDelta, $drawMargin, $c);
$rankMultiplier = 1;
$meanMultiplier = (square($selfRating->getStandardDeviation()) + square($gameInfo->getDynamicsFactor()))/$c;
$varianceWithDynamics = square($selfRating->getStandardDeviation()) + square($gameInfo->getDynamicsFactor());
$stdDevMultiplier = $varianceWithDynamics/square($c);
$newMean = $selfRating->getMean() + ($rankMultiplier*$meanMultiplier*$v);
$newStdDev = sqrt($varianceWithDynamics*(1 - $w*$stdDevMultiplier));
return new Rating($newMean, $newStdDev);
/// <inheritdoc/>
public function calculateMatchQuality($gameInfo, array $teams)
$team1 = $teams[0];
$team2 = $teams[1];
$team1Ratings = $team1->getAllRatings();
$team2Ratings = $team2->getAllRatings();
$player1Rating = $team1Ratings[0];
$player2Rating = $team2Ratings[0];
// We just use equation 4.1 found on page 8 of the TrueSkill 2006 paper:
$betaSquared = square($gameInfo->getBeta());
$player1SigmaSquared = square($player1Rating->getStandardDeviation());
$player2SigmaSquared = square($player2Rating->getStandardDeviation());
// This is the square root part of the equation:
$sqrtPart =
(2*$betaSquared + $player1SigmaSquared + $player2SigmaSquared));
// This is the exponent part of the equation:
$expPart =
(-1*square($player1Rating->getMean() - $player2Rating->getMean()))
(2*(2*$betaSquared + $player1SigmaSquared + $player2SigmaSquared)));
return $sqrtPart*$expPart;