+++ # Feature/Skill widget. widget = "featurette" # Do not modify this line! date = 2017-09-20T00:00:00 # Activate this widget? true/false active = true title = "Skills" subtitle = "" # Order that this section will appear in. weight = 7 # Showcase personal skills or business features. # # Add/remove as many `[[feature]]` blocks below as you like. # # Available icon packs and icons: # * fas - Font Awesome standard icons (see https://fontawesome.com/icons) # * fab - Font Awesome brand icons (see https://fontawesome.com/icons) # * ai - academic icons (see https://jpswalsh.github.io/academicons/) [[feature]] icon = "r-project" icon_pack = "fab" name = "R" description = "90%" [[feature]] icon = "chart-line" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Statistics" description = "100%" [[feature]] icon = "camera-retro" icon_pack = "fas" name = "Photography" description = "10%" +++