--- # Display name name: Jens True # Username (this should match the folder name) authors: - admin # Is this the primary user of the site? superuser: true # Role/position role: Software Engineer # Organizations/Affiliations organizations: - name: Phillips-Medisize A/S url: "https://www.phillipsmedisize.com/" # Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts) bio: Electronic engineer with a strong focus on embedded software development. interests: - Embedded software - Control theory - Continuous Integration education: courses: - course: Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics institution: Aarhus University School of Engineering year: 2019 - course: Highschool (STX), Mathematical line institution: Struer Statsgymnasium year: 2007 # Social/Academic Networking # For available icons, see: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/#icons # For an email link, use "fas" icon pack, "envelope" icon, and a link in the # form "mailto:your-email@example.com" or "#contact" for contact widget. social: - icon: envelope icon_pack: fas link: '#contact' # For a direct email link, use "mailto:test@example.org". - icon: linkedin icon_pack: fab link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenstrue/ - icon: github icon_pack: fab link: https://github.com/furyfire # Link to a PDF of your resume/CV from the About widget. # To enable, copy your resume/CV to `static/files/cv.pdf` and uncomment the lines below. # - icon: cv # icon_pack: ai # link: files/cv.pdf # Enter email to display Gravatar (if Gravatar enabled in Config) email: "" # Organizational groups that you belong to (for People widget) # Set this to `[]` or comment out if you are not using People widget. #user_groups: #- Researchers #- Visitors --- Jens True is an employee at Phillips-Medisize working on a wide range of electronic projects, mainly focusing on low level embedded programming. Jens has serveal years’ of experience working on embedded software projects. The primary focus is on development in the C language. But through various projects, he has also acquired experience with programming in C++, C#, Python, PHP, and JavaScript. Furthermore, he has a broad experience with modern software development tools and concepts, such as modeling tools, continuous integration, test-driven development, bug trackers and version control systems. In his spare time, Jens enjoys sailing and riding his motorbike.