--- title: "Online Tools" subtitle: "A range of high quality tools you can use from your browser on any system." summary: "A range of high quality tools you can use from your browser on any system." date: 2020-04-08T22:09:37+02:00 lastmod: 2020-04-08T22:09:37+02:00 --- # Why Sometimes you are simply stuck on a system where you can not install your own preferred tools. This is where online browser-based tools come to the rescue. - [urlscan.io](https://urlscan.io/) - Scan a url and provide a detailed report. Great for checking suspicious links without opening them in your own browser. - {{< icon name="file-alt" pack="fas" >}} Report - [CyberChef](https://gchq.github.io/CyberChef) - CyberChef is a highly flexible tool allowing you to combine small programmable blocks, that can process and convert data that you may stumble upon. Hexdumping, Base64, Hashing, Compression, EXIF and much much more. - {{< icon name="bug" pack="fas" >}} Debugging - [Virus Total](https://www.virustotal.com/) - Provide a file or a URL and VirusTotal will scan the input using more than 70 different antivirus tools. - {{< icon name="file-alt" pack="fas" >}} Report - [SSL Labs](https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/) - Perform a detailed analysis of your SSL/TLS server configuration. Includes feedback on which settings to optimize to improve the security. - [Mozilla Observatory](https://observatory.mozilla.org/) - Similar to SSL Labs, Mozilla Observatory analyzes and provides feedback on how to improve the site. - {{< icon name="file-alt" pack="fas" >}} Report - [Shodan](https://www.shodan.io/) - Shodan is for TCP/IP what Google is for the web. Shodan performs global ip and port scanning with the results easily accessible through a search engine. - {{< icon name="file-alt" pack="fas" >}} Search - [Onlinedisassembler](https://onlinedisassembler.com/) - As the name suggest provides a purely online tool for analyzing binary executables. - {{< icon name="bug" pack="fas" >}} Debugging - [Gitpod](https://gitpod.io/) - Online IDE built on Theia - {{< icon name="terminal" pack="fas" >}} Development - [JSFiddle](https://jsfiddle.net/) - HTML/CSS/JavaScript sandbox - {{< icon name="terminal" pack="fas" >}} Development - [repl.it](https://repl.it/) - Online IDE and runtime - {{< icon name="terminal" pack="fas" >}} Development - [Puppeteer Sandbox](https://puppeteersandbox.com/) - Play with "Puppeteer" the headless interface for the Chrome browser. Automate scraping, screenshot, print-to-pdf, automatic testing etc. - {{< icon name="terminal" pack="fas" >}} Development - [RESTNinja](https://restninja.io/) - Online REST client and HTTP requests playground. Make HTTP/AJAX requests. - {{< icon name="bug" pack="fas" >}} Debugging - [HTTPbin](http://httpbin.org/) - REST endpoint for testing and development. - {{< icon name="bug" pack="fas" >}} Debugging