+++ # A Demo section created with the Custom widget. # Any elements can be added in the body: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/writing-markdown-latex/ # Add more sections by duplicating this file and customizing to your requirements. widget = "custom" # Do not modify this line! active = true # Activate this widget? true/false weight = 60 # Order that this section will appear. # Note: a full width section format can be enabled by commenting out the `title` and `subtitle` with a `#`. title = "Custom Section" subtitle = "" [design.background] # Apply a background color, gradient, or image. # Uncomment (by removing `#`) an option to apply it. # Choose a light or dark text color by setting `text_color_light`. # Any HTML color name or Hex value is valid. # Background color. # color = "navy" # Background gradient. gradient_start = "DeepSkyBlue" gradient_end = "SkyBlue" # Background image. # image = "headers/bubbles-wide.jpg" # Name of image in `static/img/`. # image_darken = 0.6 # Darken the image? Range 0-1 where 0 is transparent and 1 is opaque. # Text color (true=light or false=dark). text_color_light = true +++ {{% alert note %}} This is an example of using the *custom* widget to create your own homepage section. This section also demonstrates how to apply the *background* option to create an *image parallax* effect. Backgrounds can be applied to any section. {{% /alert %}} To remove this section, either delete `content/home/teaching.md` or edit the front matter of the file to deactivate the widget by setting `active = false`.