#!/usr/bin/env bash # Source Themes Academic: Theme updater # Checks for available updates and then asks to install any updates. # https://sourcethemes.com/academic/ # # Command: bash ./update_academic.sh # Check for prerequisites. if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo "ERROR: This tool is for Git repositories only." exit 1; fi function view_update () { echo -e "Checking for updates...\n" cd themes/academic git fetch git log --pretty=oneline --abbrev-commit --decorate HEAD..origin/master cd ../../ } # Function to update Academic function do_update () { # Apply any updates git submodule update --remote --merge # - Update Netlify.toml with required Hugo version if [ -f ./netlify.toml ]; then # Postfix '.0' to Hugo min_version as sadly it doesn't map to a precise semantic version. version=$(sed -n 's/^min_version = //p' themes/academic/theme.toml | tr -d '"') version="${version}.0" echo "Set Netlify Hugo version to v${version}" sed -i '' -e "s/HUGO_VERSION = .*/HUGO_VERSION = \"$version\"/g" ./netlify.toml fi echo echo "View the release notes at: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/updates" echo "If there are breaking changes, the config and/or front matter of content" \ "may need upgrading by following the steps in the release notes." } # Display currently installed version (although could be between versions if updated to master rather than tag) version=$(sed -n 's/^version = "//p' themes/academic/data/academic.toml) echo -e "Source Themes Academic v$version\n" # Display available updates view_update # Apply any updates do_update