# Backup script [![Build status](https://build.jcktrue.dk/api/badges/jct/backupscript/status.svg)](https://build.jcktrue.dk/jct/backupscript) Backup script utilizing Rclone to backup local file systems and send notifications. # Minimum requirements - PHP8.4 - Composer to install required packages. - Rclone installed # Rclone install wget https://downloads.rclone.org/rclone-current-linux-amd64.deb sudo dpkg -i rclone-current-linux-amd64.deb rm rclone-current-linux-amd64.deb # For development # PHP latest for debian curl -sSL https://packages.sury.org/php/README.txt | sudo bash -x sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install php8.34-cli php8.4-xml php8.34-curl php8.4-zip php8.4-xdebug php8.4-mbstring unzip wget graphviz plantuml # PHP Docs rm phpDocumentor.phar wget https://phpdoc.org/phpDocumentor.phar chmod +x phpDocumentor.phar # Infection install rm infection.phar wget https://github.com/infection/infection/releases/download/0.27.8/infection.phar chmod +x infection.phar # PHP CopyPasteDetector install rm phpcpd.phar wget https://phar.phpunit.de/phpcpd.phar chmod +x phpcpd.phar # Test, analyze, metrics, document ./composer.phar test-full && ./composer.phar analyze && ./composer.phar metrics && ./composer.phar doc